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Apostle James and Prophetess Yvonne Matchett
Apostle James and Prophetess Yvonne (Y.T.) Matchett are the founders of Dove of Peace Ministries International & Paloma De Paz Ministries and currently reside in Fort Worth, Texas.
Apostle James is an Ordained Minister with more than 50 years’ experience in ministry and service for the Lord. He was called to ministry at the age of 15, serving as the Youth Pastor at Sealy, Texas Pentecostal Church of God. Upon graduation from high school, he attended Southern Bible College in Houston, Texas. After Bible college, James began evangelizing throughout the state of Texas. With evidence of the Apostolic anointing, he began pioneering and pastoring churches throughout Texas, Arkansas, and California. His dedication and faith has provided inspiration to many.
Prophetess Yvonne (Y.T.) joined James in ministry since marrying in 2006, bringing 30 years of Prophetic insight and spiritual leadership to Dove of Peace Ministries International & Paloma De Paz Ministries. She is anointed in music ministry and various other areas of ministry, dedicated to help further the Kingdom of God throughout the nations by pouring into the lives of women from all walks of life. Together James & Yvonne Co-Founded and Co-Pastored Faith Family Church Tarrant County for over 10 years (2009 – 2020). In December 2020, the Lord called them into itinerant ministry. 
Together they travel throughout the U.S. and the nations preaching the gospel with a heart of unconditional love and compassion - sharing messages that are relevant to the times we are living in.
James and Y.T. have partnered and served with other ministries serving in the mission fields of Mexico, Ireland and The Bahamas. They share the me​ssage of the gospel and love of Christ by providing the basic necessities of food, clothing and supplies to those in need in the U.S. and throughout the World.
Matt. 9:37,38 Then he said to his disciples, " The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Dove Of Peace Ministries International
P.O. Box 79445
Saginaw, Texas 76179
Phone 817-915-3167
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